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The future doesn't belong to you!

For those who have not completed games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, this page contains spoilers regarding the plot. Discretion is advised.

Addam's Appetite is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It can be found next to Platini Deli in Elmos Square in Theosoir, Kingdom of Tantal. Staying at Anastatia's beforehand may trigger dialogue that directs the party to the Heart-to-Heart. The two options to choose for this are "Addam didn't actually like Addam's Embercakes" and "So the advertising slogan is just lying".

Inn dialogue[]

Nia Nia

"Hey, you must have some decent grub in Tantal, surely?"

Zeke Zeke

"Even in these tough times, I'm sure we can track down something that tickles your taste buds. How about we go out and eat?"

Nia Nia

"Sure! Let's do it!"


Nia Nia

"Ooh... "A treat fit for a hero"!"

Mythra Mythra

"Snack time already, Nia? Spot anything interesting?"

Zeke Zeke

"Nice one, Nia! You sniffed out a pretty cushty place. Y'know, this was the great hero Addam's favorite food! They say it uses an authentic mix of spices passed down for 500 years. Tantal is pretty damn cold. Stands to reason that Addam would like food with a bit of kick to it, eh?"

Mythra Mythra

"A "kick"?"

Nia Nia

"Addam was into spicy stuff? Huh. Heroes have strange tastes."

Zeke Zeke

"Rather rude, don't you think? Spicy food is delicious! Don't tell me you're some kind of namby-pamby when it comes to heat."

Nia Nia

"And what would be the problem with that?"

Zeke Zeke

"Ha ha ha, for all your tough facade you're really just a little kid ain'tcha?"

Nia Nia

"Oi, you watch it, Shellhead. You're askin' for a fight!"

Zeke Zeke

"Hey, no need to get your ears ruffled. I'm gonna get some for you and you'll see how wrong you are. Mythra, you want some too?"

Mythra Mythra


Zeke Zeke

"Huh? What's up?"

Mythra Mythra

"Um, well, you see... Addam didn't like spicy food either."

Zeke Zeke


Nia Nia

"Huh?" ("So that means...")

Option 1 (Mythra Trust +300)[]

Nia Nia

("Addam didn't actually like Addam's Embercakes?")

Mythra Mythra

"You got it. I never saw him eat anything that spicy. Even a hint of spice would have him running for the latrine!"

Nia Nia

"Bwahaha! So Addam had a little kid's tastes too."

Zeke Zeke

"You're kidding me! You can't tell me stories like that. I grew up idolizing Addam, and now I can't get that image out of my head."

Nia Nia

"Hey, Mythra. Do you have any other funny stories?"

Mythra Mythra

"Funny stories? I wonder if I can remember anything."

Nia Nia

"So like, what was Addam's real favorite food?"

Mythra Mythra

"Well, that would be Pan-Fried Tartari."

Nia Nia

"Just like Rex!"

Mythra Mythra

"Yeah. Addam would just light up at the sight of it."

Nia Nia

"It really sounds like the Great Hero was just a big kid when it came to food. Anything else?"

Zeke Zeke

"Stop, stop! I can't take anymore! Can you please leave at least some of my admiration for him untainted?"

Nia Nia

"What do you care? Addam was just a guy like anyone else. Look who's the big kid now, Shellhead!"

Zeke Zeke

"You arse, Nia. You're loving this, aren't you? Dammit! I'm going to have to reread "Addam, the Great Hero" to scrub my mind."

Option 2 (Mythra Trust +200)[]

Nia Nia

("So the advertising slogan is just lying")

Mythra Mythra

"Yep. It's a total marketing gimmick. A load of bull, in other words."

Nia Nia

"Bloody liars! The cheek of it!"

Zeke Zeke

"Steady on just a second, chaps. It's not definite that they're lying."

Nia Nia


Zeke Zeke

"Even if this wasn't Addam's favorite food, you've still gotta hand it to them. Keeping 500-year-old traditions alive is a pretty noble thing. So what if they did exaggerate? Maybe Addam had a bite when Mythra wasn't looking and thought "this is jolly tasty"."

Nia Nia

"No need to get so worked up, Shellhead."

Zeke Zeke

"Who's worked up? It's nothing to me. I'm just saying, don't go around calling ancient recipes a lie for no reason!"

Mythra Mythra

"Ah, OK, I see what's going on here. I've a sneaking suspicion that his might be Zeke's favorite food..."

Zeke Zeke


Mythra Mythra

"Oh, is it your favorite because you believed their shtick about Addam?"

Zeke Zeke


Nia Nia

"Bwahaha, busted! Is that why you took it to heart? You're like a little kid!"

Zeke Zeke

"Wh-wh-what's wrong with that?! I grew up believing this was Addam's favorite food! It's been enchanting kids for 500 years now! I'm not gonna let the words of one Blade take that away!"

Mythra Mythra

"Sure, but that still doesn't change the fact that Addam didn't like spicy food. He'd never eat this stuff of his own volition."

Zeke Zeke

"Aaaagh! You're shattering my image of him! My precious childhood innocence... I don't believe anyone or anything anymore..."

Nia Nia

"Don't be like that, Shellhead. Cheer up, I'll buy you an Embercake! Hah!"