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Animal Lover is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles X. It is located south of Ishmael Hills in the Residential District of New Los Angeles between Phog and Cross at any time.


"Oh… Cross. Hello."
Choice A - Inquire Generally: Ask Phog how his day’s going.
"My day? It's fine, thank you."
"As you can see, I'm having a staring contest with a cat."
"If I were to look away for even a moment, I know it would leap at me and slash my face repeatedly with its evil, evil claws."
Choice B - Inquire Specifically: Ask Phog if he likes cats.
"Me? No. Not at all."
"Actually, I despise the wretched creatures."
"But they started it. They’re always cruel to me."
"For example, if I were to turn my gaze from this one for even a moment, I know it would leap at me and slash my face repeatedly with its evil, evil claws."
"Back on Earth, the common house cat, or Felis catus, was ever a nemesis of mine."
"I’d hoped things would be different here. After all, the Ma-non and Nopon have different languages, but for some reason we all understand each other."
"So with that in mind, I was trying to establish a form of meaningful communication with the local cats."
"It doesn’t really seem to be working out, however. Why do you think cats and I aren’t capable of understanding each other?"
Choice A - Speculate: Guess that a cat’s meow doesn’t contain words.
'"That…is sound reasoning."
'"Such a theory assumes that a cat's meowing is not actually a language at all."
'"Which means that cats and I may be doomed to an eternally adversarial relationship."
Choice B - Encourage: Say that Phog may meet a cat he can understand one day.
"I suppose that’s a possibility…"
"I certainly haven’t conducted my experiment on all of the cats here on Mira."
"One day I may indeed meet a cat who has no interest in using my face for a scratching post."
"I will hold that hope in my heart throughout my remaining years on this planet."


  • The info for this Heart-to-heart is located on Deliverance Park, after two full hearts with Phog.